Make a Difference

Make a difference.

Your life has been transformed by Jesus Christ. Now you want to share that with the world around you. But how?

Alaska is full of need and opportunity for service. Maybe you don’t feel like you fit the mold to be a pastor or missionary. That’s ok! Alaska is a very unconventional place, and ministry here often looks very unconventional as well. Check out the opportunities listed below for some ideas how you can be involved in Alaska missions.


  • Pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of people across Alaska
  • Pray for opportunities for relationship in unreached villages
  • Pray for workers to be called and equipped
  • Pray for God’s favor and blessing on the work in Alaska
  • Pray for encouragement for those serving
  • Pray for financial provision for Alaska missionaries and Alaska Home Missions


Please consider partnering with the work of Alaska Home Missions through your financial support. Your support is providing resources for buildings, technology, and transportation that enable ministries that are reaching people across Alaska. You can give online through the Alaska Ministry Network.


Summer Camps

Camp Nashii

Camp Nahshii is a suicide prevention youth summer camp located in the middle of the Yukon Flats region off the Yukon river. Nahshii is a Gwich’in Athabascan word meaning A Place of Healing, and that is what happens in the hearts of the young people who attend this camp.

Camp Agaiutim Nune

Camp AN is located in remote Western Alaska, just off the Yukon river. The camp is dedicated to providing a safe environment where kids and teens of the lower Yukon can experience the love and presence of God in a very real way.


Camp HOPE is a faith based summer camp located near the village of Napakiak, Alaska. We are dedicated to making a difference in the youth of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

Little Beaver

Little Beaver Camp & Retreat Center, owned by Alaska Ministry Network, has been in operation since 1964. It has been a place where thousands have come and experienced the peace, power and love of God. The entire property is dedicated to ministering the heart of the Father to the entire family.

Construction Teams

Updating aging church buildings. Building new cabins at a camp. Repairing a failing foundation. Rebuilding a damaged parsonage. The list could go on. Construction is a vital part of enabling ministry around Alaska. We greatly value the many individuals, teams and churches who come every year to invest their energy in building with excellence for the glory of God. Whether you are an individual with limited building experience, or the leader of a highly skilled team, there is a place for your abilities and willingness to serve.


Are you looking for an opportunity to put your skills and education to use for the kingdom of God, while fulfilling the requirements for an internship? Churches, camps, and other ministries across Alaska have internship opportunities for passionate, hard working young people. Contact us today to find an opening that fits your passion!

Missionary Associate

Missionary Associates are appointed by Assemblies of God US Missions to work alongside a missionary in their specific ministry. If you feel called to full-time missions, or at least you’re wanting to explore that possibility, serving as an MA is a great way to get experience in missions while working with a seasoned missionary.

Missionary Pastor

Countless villages and towns around Alaska are in immediate need of a minister of the gospel. There are some that currently have a church, or at least a church building, but they currently don’t have a pastor or missionary to oversee the ministry. A number of other villages are without a church, but have a local interest in seeing a church in the community. As such we need missionaries who are ready to give of themselves to show God’s love to people who are hurting, and help people as they grow into mature followers of Christ.

Teachers and other professionals

Are you a passionate teacher, healthcare worker, or other professional? Your skills have the potential to open unique doors for ministry in rural Alaska in places without a strong presence of the gospel. In addition to providing a needed service to the community, you would build friendships in that community, allowing you to share the love of Christ. This really is a great and exciting opportunity to be a blessing to a community, to the state, but more importantly to individual people from many cultures across Alaska.